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EVENT: wall climbing for kids and parents

09.03.2025 15:15

EVENT: wall climbing for kids and parents

Bouldering and climbing for children - sounds like a well-spent evening, from Sunday, September 5th, 15:30 - 18:30. 

An hour spent indoor wall climbing under the guidance of experienced instructors from Sport Academy for children ages 5 and older s.
Since September, wall climbing take place regularly every Sunday afternoon. Sign up every time untill previous Thursday to 18.00h.

Sport Academy would like to invite you to a once a month Sunday evening devoted to climbing for children. Let’s do some climbing, bouldering, try slackline. Children are developmentally further when it comes to climbing and can teach us a lot not only in this sports field. Great bonding time full of fun. 



  • Tuesday, 16:30  -17:30, climbing center Ruzyně, 7-11 years
  • Wednesday, 16:30 - 17:30, climbing center Ruzyně, 7-11 years
  • Sunday, 15:30 (6-9yrs, beginners), 16:30 (6-9yrs, advanced), 17:30 (9-11yrs, advanced), climbing center Ruzyně

Location: climbing wall Ruzyně
Price:      single lesson 600 CZK, 5500 CZK 10lesson card


I wan t to sing my child up to a Wall Climbing open class




Mgr. Jan Hnilička
CEO, Sports Coach & Consultant
+420 777 274 275
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